at Quickskip


The Company enters into agreements for the hire on containers and disposals of contents upon the following conditions of hire.

  1. No agent or employee of the Company is permitted to alter or vary these conditions in any way or to give any consent thereunder unless authorised in writing by the Company beforehand.
  2. The Hirer warrants that for each container ordered to be placed other than on private property he has obtained the permission of the Highway Authority under section 31 Highways Act 1971 and that the said permit will be kept in force by extension or renewal until the container is removed.
  3. The Hirer undertakes to fill the container within the period of the license and to inform the owner in good time of its readiness for collection.
  4. The Hirer undertakes to direct at his sole discretion the driver (whose name appears overleaf) where to deposit the container, the said driver being for the purpose of such deposit the agent of the Hirer.
  5. If the Hirer directs a vehicle delivering or collecting the container to leave the public highway he shall fully indemnify us in respect to any loss, cost, claims, damages or expenses we may thereby sustain whether as a result of personal injury or as a result of damage to the vehicle itself or to the property of the hirer or third parties.
  6. During the continuance of the contract the Hirer shall make good to the owner all loss or damage to containers whilst on hire to them from whatever cause the same may arise and shall also fully and completely indemnify the owner in respect of all claims by any person whatsoever for injury to person or property caused by or in connection with or arising out of the use of containers and in respect of all damages claims charges and demands in connection therewith howsoever the same may arise.
  7. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Hirer shall provide three marker cones by day and three marker cones and six red lights during the hours of darkness on the container as requested by the Highways Act 1980 if the same is left on a public highway or wherever else it is likely to cause damage to property or injury to third parties during the hours of darkness and he shall also ensure the safe loading of the material into the container.
  8. When one of the company lorries calls on a hirer to deliver a container or to collect a container load of rubbish ten minutes from the time of arrival of the lorry will be allowed for unloading or loading after which demurrage will be charged at the daywork rate of the vehicle kept waiting.
  9. The company will use its best endeavours to comply with the Hirer requirements but can accept no responsibility for failure to supply or for any delay in supplying containers which may be caused directly or indirectly by any circumstances beyond the owner’s control or for any unforeseen or abnormal conditions or by any act or neglect on the part of the Hirer.
  10. The Hirer shall not move the container from the site to which it was delivered unless prior consent be obtained from the Company and the Highway Authority.
  11. If the Highway Authority or the Police instruct the Company to light, move or remove the container during the period the Hirer acknowledges that they are liable for all costs thereby incurred.
  12. The Hirer warrants that the load contains no toxic or noxious material or substance notifiable under section 17 (1) of the Control of Pollution Act 197p of its sides.
  13. The Hirer shall ensure that from the time that the container is deposited until it is collected by the company:
    (a) It is properly sited in accordance with the permission given.
    (b) It is properly lighted during the hours of darkness.
    (c) It is filled no higher than the top of its sides.
    (d) Rubbish or any other material must not be burnt in or beside the container.
  14. Consumer Credit Act 1974 the period of hire under this contract shall be for a period not exceeding three working days as may be agreed between the Company and the Hirer in default of any agreement at the termination of three days hire the container will be repossessed by the Company without notice.
  15. Unless otherwise agreed by the Company in writing these terms and conditions shall apply to all order placed with this Company. Any stipulation or conditions contained in a Hirer’s Order Form which would conflict with any of these terms and conditions or in any way qualify or negative the same shall be deemed to be inapplicable to any order placed with the Company.

The Hirer is liable for all losses and damages to or accident involving containers whilst on hire to them. No asbestos in skips. Where the vehicle has to leave the public highway at the Hirer’s request, any damage to pavements, paths, gates, etc. Shall be the official Hirer’s responsibility. Hire is for seven days only. Ring when skip is full.



Paper/Plastic Recycling

Quickskip is committed to reducing landfill waste by recycling and processing all of our skip waste.

Quickskip operates a dedicated recycling centre at Rotherwas in Hereford to process all waste collected in our skips.

Trade Waste


Trade Accounts